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Fundusz Feministyczny

Nomada Association


Nomada works for persons with experience of migration and being a refugee, as well as with persons from the Roma community in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia. It supports women in access to housing, work, education, and health care (in particular to reproductive health). Nomada runs a free legal counseling point, helps, among others, the persons detained in Guarded Centers for Foreigners in Krosno Odrzanskie and Wedrzyn, and supports persons at risk of violence motivated by prejudice. It also deals with anti-discrimination education among the host community, conducting workshops in schools and universities and creating educational materials for teaching staff.

On a daily basis, Nomada collaborates with other movements for social justice, including the local squat movement and organizations working for the LGBT+ community. It is also actively involved in the activities of the Granica (Border) Group, which helps refugees on the Polish-Belarusian border.

Roześmiane osoby pozują do zdjęcia

“We want to support the emancipatory aspirations of the persons we work with,” declares Nomada. The team consists of persons with experience of migration, including persons from the communities with which Nomada works – e.g. an assistant to Roma families: “she tells us about the difficulties, needs and dreams of people who came to Poland to look for a better life. Thanks to that, we have learned how we can act for the Roma in order not to harm or deprive them of their subjectivity”.

The Empowerment Grant will cover, among others, the salaries of the employees who work for Roma migrant women, one of whom is a representative of the community. The grant will also benefit the reproductive health of Roma, refugee, and migrant women, and a part of it will be dedicated to ensuring their access to safe medical services.


The Empowerment Grants in 2022 were co-financed by the Federal Foreign Office as part of the project “Civil society dialogue – including all voices”, implemented jointly with filia.die fraunestiftung.