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Fundusz Feministyczny

Gals 4 Gals Łódź

From street movement to a dynamic association

Gals for Gals from Łódź were created in 2016 as a response to the government’s attempt to tighten the abortion law. Today, they are a dynamically developing association. They organize demonstrations (e.g. Women’s Strike and Manifas), but they do not limit themselves to street actions: “Our experience has taught us that protests don’t always get through to people. (…) We want to educate, to talk to people and to meet them”, say Gals. They organize film screenings and workshops, and publish educational materials. The association is a diverse group of persons: for some, access to abortion is key, other care the most about LGBTQ+ rights or battling violence. They act together under the banner of feminism and want to reach outside the circle of those already engaged.

Siedem kobiet siebie siedzi na podłodze blisko siebie i uśmiecha się, patrząc w obiektyw; osoby są w różnym wieku, różnie ubrane, w tle biała ściana i jasna podłoga


Bodypositive workshops

According to an UN report, 61% of teenagers do not accept the way they look (2018). Gals experienced this when a two-year-old daughter of one of them declared that she was too fat. “This is not ok!” loudly say Gals.

Using the minigrant, Gals will organize workshops about body positivity. “If at least one participant of our workshop looks at herself in a mirror without hatred and feels better about herself, it will mean it was worth it”, declare the application’s authors. Gals want to show women that they deserve acceptance, and show parents how not to teach children to hate their own bodies.

Strength in solidarity – “Silne” (Strong) aperodical

Gals will also use the grant funding to publish the second issue of the magazine “Silne. Aperiodyk społeczny” (Strong. Social aperiodical). The magazine, the first issue of which can be downloaded (in Polish) here presents experiences of various women without judging which one of them is a better or worse writer. Silne, as Gals say, is an expression of radical solidarity in the face of diverse experiences.

Grant amount: PLN 4400

Dziesięć osób trzymających duży, biało-różowy transparent z napisem „Siostrzeństwo” zrobiony na drutach, w tle stare budynki z czerwonej cegły

Grant amount: PLN 4,400

Photo credit: Tomek Ogrodowczyk