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Fundusz Feministyczny

Association for Local Initiatives “Hand”

“We want young, insecure teenagers from our rural areas to grow to be wise, strong women”

Association of Local Initiatives “Hand” is a group of 10 teachers from the primary school in Suchorze who feel connected to the local village community and engage in activities that benefit it. They have started a local kindergarten, organized workshops and meetings, equipped the school. Being close to teenagers, they notice their struggles with their own bodies, self-esteem, peers’ behaviors and lack of access to knowledge on sexuality and puberty. That is why they believe that, although feminism  was not apparent in their actions until now, it is time to change that! “We want young, insecure teenagers that live in our rural area to grow to be wise, strong women”, they say.

Rysunek przedstawiający dwie dziewczynki i napis: Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Lokalnych Dłoń – (nie)bezpieczne” oraz: „Wszystko jest możliwe... niemożliwe wymaga po prostu więcej czasu”


Better access to information about themselves and their bodies

The minigrant funding will be used to carry out a cycle of weekly workshops about puberty, body and menstruation for schoolgirls. Association for Local Initiatives “Hand” will also finance a self-defense course for the girls and a meeting with a dietician and beautician, to provide them with information about health during puberty. They also plan to purchase 100 hygienic packages containing sanitary pads, intimate hygiene soap and moisturizing wipes. The teachers know how stressful an unexpected period is for many students – the packages will be available as “first aid”.

After the minigrant is over, the association members will keep on working!


Grant amount: PLN 4, 400

Image credit: Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Lokalnych „Dłoń”