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Fundusz Feministyczny

Article 6

The UN Convention to the local community of women with disabilities and their allies

The Article 6 informal group takes its name from the referenced article of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, focusing on women. The Group comprises over ten members: activists, lawyers, scientists, therapists, and artists – women with disabilities and assorted psycho-sexual orientation, and their allies. To quote their own words, “We established our group two years ago at the Congress of Disabled Persons’ Rights, when organising a panel focusing on women with disabilities. That was when the subject was debated so openly for the first time in the history of the community of persons with disabilities (…). Instigating a discussion about women with assorted levels of disability required a major effort, and served to accentuate the scale of incomprehension, bias, and discrimination targeting the group”.

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Feminist convention for women with disabilities!

Article 6 will use the mini-grant to organise a meeting for women with disabilities and their allies as a space allowing a process of mutual learning, networking, experience sharing, and emphasising the voice of women with disabilities. Girls and other persons want to meet in a broader circle to initiate a debate concerning matters of importance to women with disabilities.

Their motivation is explicit. “Our work was born of anger caused by and objection to the current situation. We have been trying to introduce change to the circumstances of women with disabilities for many years now, constantly encountering incomprehension, discrimination, and unfriendliness. We are tired of the continuous need to engage in a discussion fostering the right to speak out on matters important to us. This is why we want to create a friendly space, where the rights of women with disabilities will not be questioned”.


Grant amount: PLN 4,400.00