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Fundusz Feministyczny

Ми з вами! Solidarity with Ukraine

Let us build feminist bridges together, since so many others have been destroyed!

Feminism is resistance against war and violence, resistance against patriarchy and systemic oppression, which manifest through war and violence. As feminists, we fight for freedom from violence, for access to important resources and rights, and safety for each of us.

Today, the need for feminist solidarity is even more urgent. It is urgent to protect the lives of women and girls, trans persons, persons with disabilities, and marginalized communities most affected by war.

That is why we are working to support our sister organizations in Ukraine in their relief efforts in the affected areas, especially in Lviv. We are also working to ensure that people who have recently fled Ukraine and who are looking for a safe place to live in Poland, feel well received and can continue their activism as soon as possible.


FemFund’s activities in response to the war in Ukraine

1. Feminist Emergency Service – Quick Reaction Grants

An intervention program, which we recommend especially now to groups and organizations hosting and helping refugees.

We increased the amount of one grant to PLN 3,000, which you can apply for without deadlines, all year round. After completing the application, thanks to simplified procedures, the response and the money are given within a maximum of 7 working days.

Details of applications can be found on separate pages in several language versions:

– Feminist Emergency Service – wersja angielska: femfund.pl/en/ukraine

– Феміністична швидка допомога – wersja ukraińska: femfund.pl/pogotowie-ukr

– Феминистская чрезвычайная ситуация – wersja rosyjska: femfund.pl/pogotowie-ru

– wersja polska: femfund.pl/pogotowie


2. Feminist Power Grants – a unique edition of Power Grants

Grants totalling PLN 640,000 for organizations acting for refugees.

We decided to donate the Aid Grants to organizations that, in connection with the war in Ukraine, are mobilizing to protect the life, health, and safety of refugees and the activist community. We want feminist communities that create a network of solidarity and support to be able to focus on what is most important, i.e. taking care of the needs of persons in crisis — without a rigid schedule, without planning separate projects, without excessive bureaucracy.

After talks with organizations, in an accelerated mode, in March 2022, we handed over 10 such grants to (links open in a new window):


3. A temporary place to live for refugees just arriving in Warsaw

Together with our fellow Love Does Not Exclude organization, we have created a place that can accommodate up to 6 adults + 2 children for a short, free stay. The space is equipped with all the necessary appliances and household items. Guests can stay with us for up to 10 days to rest, regain strength, and start settling in Poland.


4. Humanitarian transport to Women’s Perspectives in Ukraine.

Shipping of equipment with a total value of over PLN 100,000

Since the outbreak of the war, we have been in close contact with sister feminist organizations operating in Ukraine and around the world. Among other things, we talked to persons from the Ukrainian group Women’s Perspectives (Центр „Жіночі перспективи”) about their needs in the war zone. They delivered us a list with of equipment for shelters and organization of life and work during the war.

We purchased the equipment thanks to the financial support of several feminist sister organizations and the involvement of our community. We had received a list with specific needs to equip shelters and organize life and work during the war from Women’s Perspectives – our Ukrainian sister organization. The delivered equipment, of a total value of over PLN 100,000, included: power banks and lamps with power banks, power generators, power stations, solar chargers, thermoses for soup and tea, portable electric cookers and heaters, as well as warm clothing and sleeping bags. We sent them to Lviv in March 2022.


5. Grants for ukrainian organizations

We donated apr. PLN 300,000 to organizations in Ukraine for their work on site: