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531 715 904
736 060 436
531 715 904
736 060 436
ul. Wspólna 61/102
00-687 Warszawa
5272834934 0000714824 369316852
Logo Funduszu Feministycznego
Fundusz Feministyczny

Sułkowice Residents/ Sułkowiczanki

The informal Sułkowiczanki group has been in existence for two years, originally founded by members of the Association of Rural Women in Sułkowice, Małopolska voivodship. To quote their own reasons for establishing the group, “Some of us wanted to meet more often than twice a year at the village recreation centre.” They were driven by a motivation to act to support the local community, need for greater integration between rural women, and hunger for new knowledge. The group comprises women of different ages and assorted experience: some are active farmers, some are retired, others are employed in non-agricultural jobs.

In the spring of 2018, the Sułkowiczanki organised two informal meetings with a gynaecologist for several hundred women from their village and the neighbourhood. Ladies could approach the doctor in a friendly atmosphere, talk to her, and ask about matters of personal concern and interest. The initiative was particularly important to Sułkowice: no means of public transportation reach the village, the only regular bus available to commuting schoolchildren. The village has no outpatient clinic or medical assistance facility.

The Sułkowiczanki will use their new regular grant to organise further meetings and workshops for themselves and other inhabitants of the village, i.a. an anti-discrimination workshop with WenDo components, joint culinary workshop with female refugees from the Wandering Women group, a self-employment business workshop (producing home-made cosmetics, candles, ornaments), and Buddhism- and regional art-focused meetings.

Grant amount: PLN 8 100,00