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Logo Funduszu Feministycznego
Fundusz Feministyczny

Equality Province/ Prowincja Równości

The Equality Province are an informal LGBT+ group who have been organising activities for and with women in Kielce for a long time, including self-development workshops, informal meetings, rallies, and integration field trips. In the year 2019, the Province organised the first Equality Parade (!!!) in Kielce, attended by several thousand people with extraordinary energy, joy, and pride. The Province headcount continues growing, new persons having most recently joined the group.

The group have been talking for a long time about acting to support the rights of LGBT+ persons, freeing themselves of greatest fears and shame, securing greater visibility of the Province in Kielce, and acting to the end of their own mental empowerment. The girls (as well as boys and persons) wish to expand their activities to support their own community, i.a. through self-help groups, meetings, and further joint activities, i.a. by organising Rainbow Fridays.

Fund money will cover part of the costs of organising the Equality Parade; yet it will primarily become a source of funding to organise empowering WenDo workshops for women and anti-burnout workshops for activists, and to purchase food for Province integration meetings.

Grant amount: PLN 8 500,00