Forms of cooperation depend on the needs of groups and organizations
For persons who are just getting started and do not have experience in fundraising. Or they have an idea for a feminist initiative. Recruitment takes place at the beginning of every year (most often in January):
For groups that suddenly need urgent money. Right now, during the next few days, they must conduct a feminist intervention or seize an opportunity that cannot wait. Recruitment lasts continuously throughout the year:
For groups or organizations that are looking for developmental, long-term support. The flexible cash will ensure independence, stability, and financial security, so that they can do feminist work on a daily basis. Recruitment begins in autumn (most often in September):
For persons who are just getting started and do not have experience in fundraising. Or they have an idea for a feminist initiative. Recruitment takes place at the beginning of every year (most often in January):
MiniGrants is the flagship and very popular program of the FemFund for informal groups and feminist organizations. It is readily available, one-time financial support. In addition, grant recipients can extend their cooperation with FemFund for one more year.
How to get a grant?
Check if you meet the criteria
Pay attention to the conditions for participation in the current edition of MiniGrants and the priorities of FemFund described in the Regulations
Describe your group, your place on the map of feminism in Poland, and the idea you want to implement
Participate in the selection process
Read the proposals of other groups and decide together which of the initiatives submitted should receive a grant
Receive a grant for your initiative
Sign the contract and act! You can carry out your plans during the following 6 months. Good luck!
The resources of the Feminist Fund may be allocated to any feminist activity. Importantly, the Applicants themselves decide who the money goes to. Therefore, applying for this grant means participating in the selection of other ideas.
What groups do we support?
FemFund grant recipients can be various initiatives that identify with the feminist movement and work for the rights of women, queer, non-binary, intersex and/or transgender persons in various places in Poland.
It is important for us to support groups and organizations that associate and work for persons who are particularly vulnerable to discrimination.
We do not support groups/organizations that question the rights of some women, girls and/or the rights of queer, non-binary, intersex and transgender persons because of who they are, the work they do or their position in society.
We would particularly like to encourage groups operating on the basis of self-organization, which make decisions by discussing them together, to participate in the MiniGrant contest.
We invite groups and organizations active within a specific local community and outside large urban centers (Lodz, Krakow, Poznan, Tricity, Warsaw, Wroclaw).
Conducting non-standard feminist activities and a novel approach to solving different problems are an additional advantage.
MiniGrants – 2025 edition
Currently, we are not accepting applications – the deadline for submitting them was February 3, 2025, at 1 PM.
The 1st stage of this year’s edition of MiniGrants is now in progress – the stage of selecting activities by the FemFund team. The 2nd stage of the selection of ideas will include those that meet all the conditions for participation and, at the same time, fit the Fund’s priorities as much as possible.
We will announce the list of groups and organizations whose applications have passed to the 2nd stage no later than March 3, 2025.
MiniGrant Schedule 2025
- 20 January – 3 February (until 13:00) – submitting applications
- 3 March – announcing the results of the first stage
- 5 March – 19 March (until 13:00) – selection of applications by groups/organizations that passed to the second stage
- 14 April – announcing the results of the 8th edition of MiniGrants
- 14 April – 31 October – deadline for the implementation of activities* as part of the 8th edition of MiniGrants
- April – May – familiarization calls and signing contracts
- May – webinar on accessibility
- October – meeting of Grant Recipients of the 8th edition of the MiniGrants
- 15 November – deadline for submitting a summary of the implementation of the MiniGrant
*Note: signing of contracts and transfer of MiniGrant usually takes about a month after the announcement of results – during this time we collect data for contracts, carry out calls to meet you, send contracts to you and wait for signed contracts from you. You can implement activities from April 14, but realistically the money will reach you a few weeks later.
Rules for granting MiniGrants
If you have an idea for a feminist action, we invite you to participate in the next edition of the Feminist Fund MiniGrants. We plan to launch it at the beginning of 2026.
Below you can see the conditions for participation in the 2025 edition, the Fund’s priorities, as well as the application template in docx and pdf format:
Principles of MiniGrants and priorities of the Fund
MiniGrant application form – docx 80 KB
MiniGrant application form – pdf 220 KB
Attention! The above application is provided only for information.
More information…
about applying for MiniGrants, including answers to frequently asked questions, can be found on our subpage Questions
There, among other things, you can learn about:
- applying to a given edition of MiniGrants;
- co-decision on the grants;
- the concepts that we use in the description of grants;
- the method of settlement of the grant.