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Fundusz Feministyczny

Forest Women

Sisterhood and Untamed Nature

wPuszczone are a group of women who first met at Action Camp to Save the Białowieża Forest in Teremiski. They are united in their “faith in sisterhood and girls’ agency”, and “will to commune with untamed nature”. The purpose of the camp is to organise a forest camp for girls to show teenagers that chopping wood, climbing trees, making campfires and stalking wolves can also be a girl thing.

cztery osoby w zabawnych pozach na tle puszczy Białowieskiej

Wood huts, campfires, nocturnal forest, and stalking wolves

During a forest camp planned for July 2018, girls will have an opportunity to explore the essence of being a girl or woman, and discover the power within them and in untamed nature. The camp will be an opportunity to experiment, discover and gain self-confidence, experience self-organisation, and practice joint decision-making. This will be a time to build forest huts, sleep in the woods, learn more about nature, talk, and spend time together in female company.

dzieci przyglądają się korze drzewa

The Feminist Fund mini-grant will cover all costs of co-ordination work, camp time meals, construction materials required to build the settlement, fuel, and transportation.

grupa osób przygląda się jak unosi się dym z tlącego się kawałka drewna

osoby siedzą na kocach i bawią się

Grant amount: 4400.00 PLN

Photos by: Agata Kubis/ .kolektyw