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Fundusz Feministyczny

Village Housewives’ Association “Szczypta Lubczyku” (A Pinch of Lubcz)


MiniGrant: The group will organize a series of meetings entitled “Safe woman – independent woman” addressed to members of the VHA, residents of the village of Lubcz and the municipality of Rogowo.


About the group

Our Village Housewives’ Association was created in order to get women who are stuck in stereotypes out from their homes and show them that it is worth fighting for yourself. Housewives – and the term is often considered offensive – must go down in history and strive to fight for themselves and their needs.

Village Housewives’ Association “A Pinch of Lubcz” are 16 women of different ages who work locally and focus on the activation of women, the elderly and the youth. The housewives oppose the stereotypical perception of women: they organize events for women that strengthen their self-esteem and encourage them to stand up for themselves and their rights. The group notices the discrimination and threats that women face in the countryside. The members of the Association want every woman to be independent, feel valued and safe. They talk about the power of women – they have a councilwoman and a village representative among their ranks!

We want to organize activities for ourselves, for women from our village, so that we feel safe, valued; to increase the awareness of women that our role is not only to be a wife and mother, but a strong and independent woman for whom nothing is impossible.


grupa kobiet siedzących przy stole i patrzących do obiektywu


About the action

Using the MiniGrant, the group will organize a series of meetings entitled “Safe woman – independent woman”, addressed to the members of the Association and to the residents of the village of Lubcz and the municipality of Rogowo. These will include: a meeting with a community nurse on breast and cervical cancer prevention, a mini self-defense course, a meeting with a career counselor on returning to the labor market, and discussions about politics and the social and professional roles of women. In addition, the group is planning a trip to a spa for the members of the Association and recording a video about the strength and skills of women.


Grant amount: PLN 5,249

Photograph from the group’s own materials