Urban Housewives’ Association Brzeszczanki
To make women’s voices heard
Urban Housewives’ Association Brzeszczanki aims at making women’s voices heard in all important matters, both locally and globally. The spark that helped create the group was organizing “Polka Niepodległa” (Independent Polish Woman) in Brzesko. It was an initiative to celebrate 100 years’ anniversary of gaining voting rights by the Polish women. “We are women who understand the value of strength and the relevance of women in a community – that is why we organize and are present where women’s voice should be heard”, they emphasize. Every month, they organize Inspiring Tuesdays, during which they discuss pressing issues. These include topics like climate change, tumors, depression, ecology, and new technologies and they encourage others to act in these areas. They cooperate with organizations like Village Housewives’ Associations, because they know how important mutual support is.
Better start for girls
Brzeszczanki don’t just react to what is happening – they want to act long-term. One of their priorities is educating young women, especially from dysfunctional families, in order to give them a better start and help them build a sense of self-worth. “We want to liberate the potential that is inside us and our daughters, so that we can live in harmony with ourselves and make our dreams come true”, say Brzeszczanki.
Thanks to the Feminist Fund minigrant, the Association wants to fund programming courses for at least five schoolgirls (aged between 7 and 14), whose families can’t finance this on their own. Brzeszczanki know the local context, which will help them get in touch with the right families and build mutual trust. Additionally, they dream about including more girls in the action – about 10 to 15 persons, which is why they are planning to launch a public fundraising. “We hope that this support will make the girls stronger, they will learn their worth and won’t anyone tell them they are not good enough”, says the group.
Following the completion of the MiniGrant activities Urban Housewives’ Association received a renewal grant from FemFund for the purpose of continuing their work in 2021-2023
MiniGrant amount: PLN 4 400
MiniGrant+ amount: PLN 26 400
Photo credit: Krzysztof Flesz