all of Poland (online activity)
MiniGrant: will produce a social campaign aimed at young transgender people on the safe administration of hormones.
About the group
Our feminism consists in opposing the act of forcibly imposing gender division at birth and depriving women and gender minorities of bodily autonomy.’s permanent team consists of 8 people, 6 of whom are transgender. The Group creates the largest knowledge base in Poland regarding transgender issues and the transition process. It includes a nationwide map of specialists, 14 articles on the process of transition, a report on conversion therapies, and guides for primary care physicians, employees, and employers. They are constantly creating new content, including a guide for journalists and Civil Registry Office employees. The basic goal of the group is to provide every trans person – regardless of their financial situation or place of residence – with access to reliable information about transition, as well as to strengthen the sense of self-determination and feminist awareness.
The current situation related to the lack of reliable video materials on taking hormonal injections poses a medical threat to the transgender community.
About the action
The group will create a social campaign “Jab safely!” (videos in various forms on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok), the aim of which will be to raise awareness of the young transgender community about safe self-administration of hormones. Not all people who decide on a medical transition have the support of their loved ones or access to friendly doctors’ offices, which is why many of them choose to self-administer hormones. The campaign will present practical skills for the correct administration of hormones for people who do not have access to professional nursing care and other forms of support. The group hopes that the publication of materials will improve the overall safety in receiving hormone therapy in Poland.
Grant amount: 5300 PLN
Photo: Joanna Cisowska