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Logo Funduszu Feministycznego
Fundusz Feministyczny



MiniGrant: women’s circle, yoga classes, and relaxation treatments for mothers staying at the Clinical Department of Paediatric Oncology at the hospital in Olsztyn.


About the group

We want to show that taking care of your needs, if possible, is charging your battery for further action. After all, it’s not for nothing that on a plane, you put an oxygen mask on yourself first, and then on your child.

TenderUs is a foundation with a holistic approach to health. It was created on the initiative of four people: Kasia, Kuba, Natalia and Monika. They were joined by a place where, as an informal group, they conducted workshops, trainings and preventive classes – the first of their activities was to obtain funds for psychological support for transgender and non-binary youth and their parents. Today, the group engages in a wide variety of activities, reaching out where support is needed.

We want to support mothers staying in the pediatric oncology department at the Children’s Hospital in Olsztyn. We want to give them strength for the tasks that their child’s oncological disease puts before them. We want to show that they are important, not forgotten, nor invisible. They have the right to have a moment to do something for themselves.


Logo fundacji w kolorach: czrnym i różowym, po lewej stronie linearna postać z zaznaczonym na różnowo sercem, po prawej stronie napis CzuliMy Fundacja


About the action

Oncology wards often become a place of permanent residence for mothers and persons caring for children for several weeks, and initiatives supporting their well-being and regeneration are lacking. TenderUs Foundation decided to give them strength and support them through the organization of women’s circles with a psychologist, yoga classes, and relaxation treatments. They will try to make time exclusively for moms. In addition, they will organize animations and sensoplastic activities for children staying in the ward.


Grant amount: 5300 PLN
Graphics: group’s own materials