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Fundusz Feministyczny

Sztum Women’s Strike


MiniGrant: Sztum Women’s Strike will create an intergenerational Sztum Samba and organize WenDo workshops for its members.


About the group

The idea of our activities is to fight for women’s rights, support and build an open, tolerant and civic society. We fight for the reproductive autonomy of Polish women, for reliable sex education and access to contraception.

Sztum Women’s Strike arose on the wave of nationwide protests related to the (pseudo)ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal of 2020 and the policy of the previous government. However, the impulse to act appeared even earlier, when, in March 2020, the local council adopted the shameful resolution on the Local Government Charter of Family Rights as the only one in Pomerania. Since then, the group of local activists have organized street protests, demonstrations, and participated in the meetings of local cities and towns. They are also involved in the activities of the National Women’s Strike movement, collecting signatures under the Act on Legal Abortion. Women activists from the Sztum Strike combat violence against women and children, as well as discrimination and social exclusion of minority groups.

We know that by implementing our project we will do SOMETHING that is especially important in small communities: provide support to girls, shape gender equality, inspire them to develop their skills and live their dreams regardless of gender stereotypes.



About the action

As part of the MiniGrant, the activists want to create an intergenerational Sztum Samba that will accompany future events, protests, and marches. The plans include training, samba lessons, intense rehearsals, integration meetings, as well as WenDo workshops. The group hopes that the news about Samba will reach many residents of their region and have an impact on shaping feminist, empowering norms of girlhood in the local community.


Grant amount: 5300 PLN

Photograph from the group’s own materials