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Fundusz Feministyczny

“Strength in Women” collective

Women matter!

The collective are three women who say they come from Eastern Poland. The group was created spontaneously to support women with difficult experiences of violence or co-addiction.

According to police statistics, about 88% of persons who experience domestic abuse are women. According to a report by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (2015), at least 1 in 5 women have experienced physical or psychological violence on the part of their current or former partner. Those persons are often left without any support in their closest environment. The members of the collective – some of whom are survivors of this kind of violence– are angered by the blind eye being turned to the problem and want to change it. “We know what women have to face and what kind of problems they experience. We know how to motivate them to act, give them an impulse to change their lives, show them (…) that a woman does not have to stay in a toxic relationship, show them they MATTER!”, emphasize Alicja, Beata and Anna.

Grafika: czarny odcisk dłoni na szarym tle, napis: KOLEKTYW W KOBIETACH SIŁA


A small step towards a great change – empowering workshops

Using the minigrant, the collective will invite persons from Chełm district, who have experienced physical or psychological violence or are co-addicted, to two two-day empowering workshops. First of all, they want to reach persons who use psychological and legal support from the local family help center.

The participants will take part in relaxation and sports activities (yoga, meeting with a physiotherapist) and voice emission workshops. The girls hope this will help the women find and strengthen their voices. They are also planning dance workshops and meetings with a beautician, so that the participants feel well and feminine again.

“We know that two-day workshops will not solve all problems, but we believe that a small step can introduce huge change”, says the Collective.

Grant amount: PLN 4,050

Image credit: Kolektyw „W kobietach siła”