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Fundusz Feministyczny

Smart but cold. Cold House

Warsaw, Norway

MiniGrant: Measurement of a dwelling without central heating and collection of hard data to support requests to end energy poverty

“We are working to change the situation of all tenants who are exposed to the so-called energy poverty, i.e. they simply cannot afford to heat the apartment well”

About the group

Smart but cold is a group of tenant activists and, at the same time, tenants. They gathered to publicize the consequences of so-called energy poverty. They talk about how expensive an apartment is without central heating. At the same time, they pay attention to health and comfort – when it is not possible to obtain the correct temperature in apartments, it leads to deterioration of the premises, the appearance of fungi, and, as a result – diseases.

“Studies show that women prefer temperatures about 3°C higher than men. Therefore, the minimum, which is set in law, does not allow women to feel the so-called thermal comfort”

Kobiety na demonstracji o prawa lokatorskie z banerami


About the action

Activists want to equip an apartment where there is no central heating with specialized measuring equipment. Their aim is to collect hard data, needed both by people and housing organizations to justify demands to end energy poverty.
The problem of “sick houses” without central heating has been publicized by housing organizations for several years, but changes are happening too slowly. This problem does have a gender: female tenants, often single mothers, save money at the expense of their health and heat only one room (the one in which children live). Activists want to change this – they strive, among others, to change the regulations that presently cause construction inspectors to not report about the lack of heating in buildings and do not recommend installing heating in underheated buildings (with electric heating).

Grant amount: PLN 4 500
Photograph from the group’s own materials