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Fundusz Feministyczny

Open Sochaczew/Culture of Action

The group consists of over 30 persons who have been organizing, animating, stimulating, including, and involving the Sochaczew community in local social and cultural activities for many years. They operate non-hierarchically, they make decisions together, they initiate projects within groups, and involve as many supporters as possible. As part of the Feminist Group, they organized, among others, women’s strikes, city poster campaigns, “rainbow love” graffiti, dancing against violence. They cooperate with girls from all over Poland and with feminist organizations.

Działaczki prezentują bristol z osiągnięciami i planami grupy na zjeździe grantobiorczyń Funduszu Feministycznego w Osiecku.

“Taking aktion is our priority. By influencing our environment, we jointly change the world we live in.”

They believe that the projects they undertake will have a significant impact on their immediate and further surroundings, and by working in groups that include many sympathizers, they will change the local community. “Our greatest joy is the fact that we managed to involve many women, but also men, with whom today we can organize not only feminist campaigns, but also support LGBT persons who, until recently, in a city such as Sochaczew, could not talk about their sexuality openly”.

Using the funds from the mini-grant, they will carry out an anti-violence educational campaign addressed to teenagers from secondary schools. “In such a small city as Sochaczew, violence, both at home and between peers, is a taboo subject”, they write. In addition to information campaigns, they will organize meetings for young girls where they will talk about assertiveness, shyness, reacting to violence. “Through workshops in small groups, we would like to teach girls to react properly in violent situations, build assertiveness and create mutual support groups.”

Grupa po ogólnoświatowej akcji One Billion Rising, która od kilku lat odbywa się w mieście.

Grant amount: PLN 4,400.00

Photos: Open Sochaczew/Culture of Action
Photos: Emilia Oksentowicz / .kolektyw