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Fundusz Feministyczny

Non-binary warmth

Krakow, Wroclaw, Warsaw

Feminist Emergency Service: urgent grant for the purchase of binders for young transgender persons


About the group

Non-binary warmth is a collective that has been operating since 2021 and was created to support non-binary persons. They create an online safe space (@non-binary_warmth) for non-binary persons. In addition, they engage in grassroots self-help actions for transgender and non-binary persons, e.g. buying binders for those who are transitioning.


Grafika przedstawiająca osobę w okręgu z flagi społeczności osób niebinarnych, w tle jest flaga społeczności trans.


About the action

In such hot weather, binders are especially needed – it is no longer possible to hide breasts under huge sweatshirts, although some persons do so. This may cause overheating and even heat strokes.

The number of persons requesting support has exceeded the expectations and capabilities of the collective. Therefore, using the Feminist Emergency Fund, Non-binary warmth will buy approx. 20 binders for transgender persons.

Thanks to this, 20 persons will spend the summer peacefully and safely, leaving home and having a good time with friends, without worrying about whether their chest shows the characteristics of the gender assigned at birth.


Grant amount: PLN 2400
Fig. Group’s own materials