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Fundusz Feministyczny

Nomada Association


Feminist EmPOWERment Grant:
Support for refugees from Ukraine, including the Roma community.

“Because we all have the right to migrate.”

About the Group

Nomada is a human rights organization working among migrant communities, ethnic and religious minorities, and excluded groups. Nomada’s activities include, among others, help with documenting residence and work in Poland, legal support, assisting refugees in contacts with institutions, interventional assistance (e.g. safe housing base). It also supports the education of Romani children and works with persons staying in the Guarded Centre for Foreigners in Krosno Odrzańskie. Other activities include development and educational projects, including training, conferences, and publications. The association also conducts monitoring and advocacy for refugees, e.g. acting within the Border Group, which was established in the face of the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border in 2021.

“In response to the needs of people from the Roma community, LGBTQIAP+, and migrant women and migrants fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Nomada has supported initiatives that directly help them. One of the forms of such support in Wroclaw is an apartment run by the Culture of Equality, where queer refugees can find shelter”.


Grupa osób ze stowarzyszenia pozuje na schodach przy wejściu do domu


About the action

In the face of the war in Ukraine, Nomada is a base of knowledge and expertise for other non-governmental organizations, especially those that want to support persons from various discriminated groups, and previously did not work with refugee or migrant topics. At the same time, it conducts activities addressed to communities that are left unassisted, e.g. people of Roma origin coming from Ukraine, who receive the support of an assistant of Roma people.
The Feminist EmPOWERment grant will be used to pay the salaries of aides, including cultural assistants, assistants of Roma families, people dealing with interventional assistance, and specialized consultations for refugees.
Nomada also wants to support local grassroots initiatives and activists who work for refugees from Ukraine without access to various resources.

Grant amount: PLN 80,000
Photo Nomada Association/own material