Pomiń nawigację Przejdź do sekcji stopka"
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Logo Funduszu Feministycznego
Fundusz Feministyczny

Mothers to the Border


Feminist Emergency Service: an urgent grant intended for the purchase of underwear and personal hygiene products for refugees, among others, at the center in Biala Podlaska


About the group

We started our activities in September 2021 due to the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. Since then, we have been joining forces to care for the dignity of every human.

Mothers to the border is a grassroots initiative of a group of women from Wroclaw and the surrounding area, which was brought together by a willingness to act and help refugees. They organize protests, but also permanent help for refugees detained in centers for foreigners.


Cztery kobiety trzymają baner 'Matki na granicę' w biurze.


About the action

Every day we receive letters asking for panties, bras, T-shirts, cosmetics. No one has responded to our appeals for months, while the refugees are deprived of decent living conditions.

Thanks to the support of the Feminist Emergency Service, Mothers to the border will respond to the urgent need to provide refugees detained in the center in Biala Podlaska with underwear and hygiene products. They will also send SIM cards to some of them so that they can communicate with loved ones.


Grant amount: PLN 3,000
Photo: Group’s own materials