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Mobius Glitter Ribbon

The Mobius Glitter Ribbon is a group of persons with experience of functioning as a woman, who share the fact that they do politically and socially engaged drag art in Poland. The initiative group includes two drag king teams: Warsaw’s SharmTrio plus and Wrocław’s Drag King Heroes in cooperation with Amethist Heart and two personalities of the drag scene – Lola Eyeonyou Potocki and Max Reagan-Thatcher.

There are more and more people doing drag in Poland. “Drag is beginning to be seen as very liberating – not surprising in a conservative country where gender stereotypes are a national religion and a political fetish. Drags are at the fore of an equality revolution and can help disenchant Poland, enchanted in conservative nonsense”, emphasizes the collective.

Na scenie występuje oświetlona reflektorem drag queen w różowej perółce, z białymi wąsami, trzyma czerwony wachlarz, na tle kurtyny widoczne są osoby w monochromatycznych czarnych kostiumach.

Nothing about us without us – for more variety in the drag scene

As noted by the people creating the Mobius Glitter Ribbon, the Polish drag has for years exactly reflected the events in the wider society: persons with the experience of femininity are rare on the drag scene and have limited access to it. “At the moment, there are few of us in Poland and we have little visibility, while there are dozens and hundreds of AMAB (assigned male at birth) persons in the Polish drag scene”.

Using the funds from a mini-grant, MGR will organize a drag show made by and for persons with experience of functioning as a woman. “Vivid reactions to our performances show us that what we do is necessary – it liberates, inspires reflection and own practices of crossing stereotypes. We want to strengthen our voice so that queer art is diverse and reflects the full experience behind all the letters of the LGBT acronym”.

W rzędzie stoi pięć osób w dragu, szykują się do ukłonu po sztuce.


Following the completion of the MiniGrant activities the group received a renewal grant from FemFund for the purpose of continuing their work in 2022-2023.

MiniGrant amount:  PLN 4 400
MiniGrant+ amount:  PLN 18 800

Photos: Mobius Glitter Ribbon
Photos: Emilia Oksentowicz / .kolektyw