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Fundusz Feministyczny

Diverse Initiatives Manufacture

We are still idealists

While the Diverse Initiatives Manufacture (MIR) Association has formally been in existence since 2016, its members had been active before as an informal group. Today, the Association comprises eight activists. They work locally to prevent gender-based violence, foster anti-discrimination education and herstory activities. They also endorse WenDo – self-defence and assertiveness workshops for women – paint over hate speech graffiti on walls, create murals focusing on women, organise Women’s Circles festivals, publish a feminist calendars and organise carpentry classes for women. “We are still idealists, we haven’t stopped believing that a better and more equal world is possible, and that our small contribution to the struggle for equality and freedom is a way to actual change.”


osoby z pędzlami i wałkami w dłoniach stoją w lini przed murem pomalowanym na żółto

In our own voices

MIR members deliver assorted classes for inmates of the remand prison in Opole, including them in their feminist mini-grant idea. They used the funds to allow inmates to attend WenDo self-defence and assertiveness workshops for women, and join MIR members in preparing Dark Chocolate, a theatrical performance which brought them an honourable mention for “respect for stage detail and deeply humane message” at this year’s 5th All-Polish Prison Theatre Art Competition in Poznań.

“Prison inmates experience rejection, ostracism, and outright aggression, in contact with society and penitentiary unit staff alike. We want to give them the floor, and prove how much they can do – for themselves as well as the local community.”

Grant amount: 4400.00 PLN

Photo by: Diverse Initiatives Manufacture Association