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Fundusz Feministyczny

Lonely Mom


Away-from-home training for a group of single mothers-immigrants in Poland

“We want to create a community and a support group for single mothers, so that in the future they can tell the public about themselves and their needs “

About the group

The members of the group are mothers who, for various reasons, emigrated to Poland. They are connected by the experience with independent motherhood – either through own experience or by working with them. Through their actions, they want to draw attention to those mothers who have found themselves and their children in a foreign country, and they do not have the support of family and loved ones here.

The group draws attention to the difficulties faced by immigrant women: financial problems, discrimination in the search for jobs and housing, difficulties in finding time for themselves. Therefore, they decided to set up a group and join forces – women who have already found themselves in Poland and those who, due to the problems they experience, find it difficult to use their own resources. Members of the group already organize informal meetings of immigrant women and city games for children in parks.

“Each participant will get help and find the resources to help other women”

Trzy kobiety w parku


About the action

The long-term goal of the group is to build a community of persons in a similar life situation – independent mothers, staying in exile in Poland. A way to achieve this goal will be to invite a group of such women to participate in an away-from-home training. During the training, meetings will be held with persons specializing in law, psychology, or art therapy. At the same time, it is supposed to be the beginning of a sustainable community, as well as an examination of the needs of this group of women, so part of the time will be devoted to planning further activities.The group will also provide childcare so that mothers can have time for themselves.

Grant amount: PLN 4 850
Photograph from the group’s own materials