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Fundusz Feministyczny

LGBT+ Activist Sanok


Feminist Emergency Service: urgent grant for the organization of the first equality march and after party in Sanok


About the group

LGBT+ Activist Sanok is a queer, informal activist group that has been operating in Sanok (in the southeast of Poland) since 2018. In 2022, they decided to organize the first equality march in Sanok.


Osoby przemawiające z przyczepy auta podczas demonstracji, mają zawieszone na sobie flagi, jak peleryny.


About the action

Sanok is a small town in the conservative Podkarpacie region – it will be the first event of this type that is extremely needed by the LGBT+ community

In addition to the march itself, the group planned an event for LGBT+ persons, but it turned out that all places in Sanok except one club refused to rent space for this event. The Feminist Emergency Grant will be used to co-finance the lease, without which the after party – important for building a queer community in Sanok – will not take place.


Grant amount: PLN 3,000
Photo: Group’s own material