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Fundusz Feministyczny

Legal Abortion


MiniGrant: podcasts on YouTube about abortion, with persons involved in feminist pro-abortion activism.


About the group

Abortion is the topic closest to our hearts. We believe that radical social and legal change in this area will make it possible to eliminate social inequality but will also open the door to positive actions in other areas of reproductive justice.

Legal Abortion is a grassroots collective of activists who formed during the work of the citizens’ committee named “Legal Abortion. No compromise”. Today, it operates independently, cooperating with organizations participating in this project. The aim of the group is to increase public support for the liberalization of abortion law so that every pregnant person can have a full right to self-determination regarding the continuation of pregnancy or its termination. Members of the collective – professionally experts in communication, project coordination, and marketing – mainly work in the area of Social Media, creating reliable and non-stigmatizing content about abortion.

Traditional media, mainly television, do not give feminist groups space to talk about abortion. Media messages are usually political and medical conversations. By our action, we want to give space to talk about abortion mainly to pro-abortion feminist groups or rely on the message of these groups.


Grafika - na zielonym tle po bokach widoczne są dwie osoby - mówczynie, w centrum grafiki różowy mikrofon symbolizujący cel grupy - tworzenie podcastu


About the action

The long-term goal of the activists of Legal Abortion Without Compromise is to reach the widest possible audience with a decriminalizing and destigmatizing message regarding abortion. They noted that YouTube still remains a space undeveloped by feminist activities and pro-abortion activism – and this website is the leader of popularity on the Polish Internet. They decided to change this and set up a channel as part of the MiniGrant, which will include podcasts and conversations with persons involved in feminist pro-abortion activism. This will allow them to reach people who have not had access to reliable abortion content so far.


Grant amount: 5300 PLN
Photo: group’s own materials