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Logo Funduszu Feministycznego
Fundusz Feministyczny

Bojka Scuba Diving Collective

Extreme sports for girls

Bojka is an unofficial gals’ scuba diving collective with a membership of women with different degrees of physical ability and diverse scuba diving experience. The group was formed in protest against “chauvinism in the diving industry” and in a situation of “no female network to support women divers”. Bojka offers scuba diving space where women can function according to their own rules. Another goal is to be active in overcoming impressions of extreme sports being reserved for fully able men only.

Dwie osoby nurkujące w specjalistycznym sprzęcie wśród rafy

osoba z specjalistycznym sprzętem nurkuje w basenie

Scuba diving and yoga women’s circle

Mini-grant funds will be used to organise a series of workshops for women with diverse degrees of physical ability, including yoga, meditation, and scuba diving. Funds will be used to cover i.a. the cost of swimming-pool admittance, air tank rental, and divemaster assistance. This is how a women’s circle will be formed – space to share experience, support, and “motivation to accept new challenges”.

Osoby z kolektywu uprawiają jogę na matach

Grant amount: 4400,00 zł

Photos by: Olga Truszkowska