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Fundusz Feministyczny

Informal Group of Activists from Podkarpacie

They are a group of seven local leaders and social activists from the Podkarpackie region, a stronghold of the ultra-right wing ruling party. Each of them has different experiences – some organized strikes after the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal banning abortion, some work in support networks for easier access to the morning-after pill and abortion, and some deal with human rights education. Some of them are just starting their adventure with activism, others have been operating on various fronts for years.

Dziecko podczas spotkania mamy z resztą grupy w mieszkaniu.

Cooperation and self-care in activism

Members of the collective see a huge lack of education on sexuality and equality. They can see how many people working in health care in the Podkarpackie voivodeship hide behind the conscience clause (according to art. 39 of the Act on the Profession of Physician and Dentist of December 5, 1996, “the doctor may refrain from performing health services that are inconsistent with their conscience”). That’s why they take matters into their own hands and want to support others in accessing contraception, reproductive health services, and mental support for persons experiencing violence. They want to educate themselves so that they can conduct sex education classes at schools and outside of schools. “We are already operating in Podkarpacie, we want to do more, but we have to learn to cooperate with each other, take care of ourselves in activism”,

Zadowolone działaczki pozują do zdjęcia grupowego.

Cash for self-development

Using the funds from the mini-grant, the Activists will organize a sex-ed methodology workshop for their group, as well as talk about equality-based communication and activist self-care. They need these skills so that they can jointly develop their local activity in Podkarpacie and make their voices heard in their communities. They want to learn “how to be a proper feminist activist”, as they joke.

Działaczka przy tworzeniu prezentacji z osiągnięciami i planami grupy na zjeździe grantobiorczyń Funduszu Feministycznego w Osiecku.

Grant amount: PLN 4,400.00

Photos: agata kubis/ .kolektyw
Photos: Emilia Oksentowicz / .kolektyw