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Polski Język Migowy
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Fundusz Feministyczny

Foundation for Dialogue and Poland-Roma-Ukraine


Feminist EmPOWERment Grant:
Support for people from the Roma community fleeing the war in Ukraine.
Grant amount: PLN 80,000

“When the war broke out, we did not anticipate that so many people from the Roma community would appear in Poland. (…) It quickly overwhelmed us. Not only the number of people fleeing war and needing help, but the scale of discrimination, even open racism [against people of Roma origin].”

About the Group

The Poland-Rome-Ukraine support group was established by four activists in response to information received by the Foundation Towards Dialogue about discrimination against refugees of Roma origin, who – like those of Ukrainian origin – simply fled from the war in Ukraine. Many help centres or volunteers seemed to believe that Roma people (and those specializing in the topic of exclusion of Roma people) have the sole responsibility for helping this refugee group. Grantees received numerous calls asking them to “take Roma people” from reception centers. There were immediate relocations to unknown locations.

“Romani people are separated from Ukrainian people, children sometimes do not get beds, sleep on the floor, Romani people are treated with contempt.”


Selfie trzech osób z grupy


About the action

The funds from the Feminist EmPOWERment Grant will be used for ad hoc and long-term support of refugees from the Roma community. There is also a need for more persons to be involved in assistance activities. However, the group is aware that caring for one’s own well-being is equally important here. The Foundation’s and the support group’s dream is also to launch a hostel for Roma people, which – in a situation of war and discriminations reaching such a scale – will be a safe space for people from the Roma community. It is also necessary to cover the costs of relocation as well as food and medicines. In the long term, the grant recipients want to provide people of Roma origin with comprehensive support related to settling in Poland and to support excluded or worse treated people within the Roma community itself (e.g. women experiencing violence or LGBTQ people).

Grant amount: PLN 80,000
Photo Poland-Roma-Ukraine