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Fundusz Feministyczny

Feminist Association Batty Aunts


MiniGrant: Feminist Association Batty Aunts will organize and pay for modern LBC cytology with HPV testing for women from the vicinity of Gluchołazy.


About the group

Due to age, we feel discriminated against, we do not have full access to health tests, because society doesn’t need us after we have fulfilled maternal and family roles.

The group consists of 4 pensioners who, due to their age, feel excluded from society, in particular in the area of access to health tests. Batty Aunts were created to help and activate people of retirement age and to counteract discrimination against the elderly. Batty Aunts also organize talks about HPV vaccination, which has recently been available and free of charge for adolescents aged 12 and 13. The group has been operating as a formal association since 2021 and since then has carried out many activities, including cytological tests for women 60+ in cooperation with women’s clinics, trips to concerts, swimming courses, and a WenDo self-defense course.

We have our own experience and experience from the environment that standard methods are not fully effective, hence our idea. We want women to feel safe after a proper examination.


Cztery starsze kobiety pozują do zdjęcia na tarasie w otoczeniu zieleni.


About the action

The group will organize and pay for a modern cytological examination, the so-called single-layer LBC cytology, with a simultaneous HPV detection test, which will be used by about 15 women. This examination is not reimbursed by the National Health Fund, and the experience of activists shows that standard cytological examination methods incorrectly diagnose up to 40% of the respondents. Therefore, they have established cooperation with a laboratory, which will enable them to carry out tests with more effectiveness. Batty Aunts want women who have undergone cytology to feel safe and calm for the next 5 years, until the next test.


Grant amount: 5300 PLN

photo: Piotr Nowacki