Conflict resolution group for Workers’ Initiative
Feminist Trade Union
The group acts as an informal cell of the “Workers’ Initiative” Nationwide Trade Union. It was created by three women: Maria, Agnieszka and Magda, but more people have joined since. Their goal is to create rules that the Union will use to react to conflicts and violence within the organization. The “Workers’ Initiative” unites over 3000 people (including workers from logistics, culture, care and science) and describes itself as a feminist union. Its members participate in the movement not only by going to Manifas, but also through daily struggle for better nursery and kindergarten care, higher salaries and decent working conditions in feminized professions.
“This is an action against patriarchal culture”
The need to create the group was reported in 2019, during a nationwide congress of the union’s members. Its goal is to create systemic ways of conflict resolution and reacting to violence, which may happen in any organization. “On a daily basis, we operate in company committees. We are often under a lot of pressure due to conflicts with the employer. We support each other, but sometimes conflicts arise within our union”.
The group believes that working on methods of resolving such situations is a feminist activity that “dismantles the patriarchal culture in which we all live, and which permeates the union” and that gives women in the union tools to work with.
Working away
The group has already done a lot of work, but the time has come to create a proposal. The minigrant will help them work on the project, analyze good practices used in other organizations during away meetings, and hold online discussions of the proposed solutions within the union. They will also use the support of experts, and the final proposal will be presented to the union and subject to a democratic vote during an NTU Workers’ Initiative congress. The group will also prepare flyers and videos that explain what violent behaviors are, how to avoid them and what to do if violence or conflict happens.
Following the completion of the MiniGrant activities the group received a renewal grant from FemFund for the purpose of continuing their work in 2021-2022.
MiniGrant amount: PLN 4 400
MiniGrant+ amount: PLN 8 800
Imagecredit: Grupa ds. rozwiązywania konlifktów przy OZZ Inicjatywa Pracownicza