Chemistry Collective
Information material in three languages on the so-called ‘rape pills’
“Our collective focuses particularly on preventing violence: intoxication and sexual violence, which can be experienced by persons after poisoning with substances”
About the group
The Chemistry collective deals with building awareness and educating people around the so-called “rape pill” – its effects, symptoms of poisoning, potentially risky situations. It consists of five persons (Maria, Heli, Matisia, Patrycja, and Martyna) constituting the core of the group; and over 40 volunteers from all over Poland. It also benefits from scientific support in the field of chemistry or toxicology, constantly learning about the technical effects of psychoactive substances.
The dream of the collective is to extend educational activities to other European countries, but this year their goal is to continue the poster and sticker campaign (with QR codes) in Poland, in three languages. Chemistry also wants to provide real support and be a financial base for people in times of crisis.
“We care about access to information and research and creating a safe space to share stories of poisoning/ violence – and their prevalence is frightening.”
About the action
As part of the MiniGrant, Chemistry wants to continue its educational and awareness-raising work. They will print and distribute posters in three languages – new versions in English and Ukrainian – and stickers with a QR code, redirecting to educational content. Information brochures will be prepared, addressed to bartenders and waiters, with the most important information on the symptoms of poisoning and recommended behavior in such a situation. Members of the collective will also develop teaching materials for students, supporting workshops, and presentations in secondary schools.
Grant amount: PLN 4 900
Photograph from the group’s own materials