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Logo Funduszu Feministycznego
Fundusz Feministyczny

Batty Aunts


Feminist Emergency Service: urgent grant for in-kind support for people staying in a refugee center


About the organization

Feminist Association Batty Aunts is a group of pensioners who organize cytological tests, talks about vaccination against HPV, and other activities for 6o+ women in their area.


Grupa roześmianych kobiet w letnich strojach i kapeluszach opierają sie o wykrot na tle zieleni


About the action

After February 24, 2022, Batty Aunts became involved in helping people who came to Poland from Ukraine in connection with the war. Using the Feminist Emergency Grant, Batty Aunts will buy basic products, such as hygiene products, underwear, and footwear for people in the center in Banderoza, Czerwony Koziol and other temporary shelters.


Grant amount: PLN 3,000
Photo: Group’s own materials