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Fundusz Feministyczny


Against discrimination

The Agents are a group of six girls from Toruń, who met when working for the “Diversity Studio” Association (Stowarzyszenie „Pracownia Różnorodności”). In their activism they focus on the equality of all people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. “The idea to form an informal group was born of a will to publicise the issue of discrimination against non-heterosexual women and transsexual persons in our region, which in turn arises from the fact that the theme of homosexuality in media and social awareness is visible in the male (gay) context – whereas issues experienced by homo- and bisexual women remain in the background. We believe that problems suffered by transgener persons, trans-women included, are well-nigh neglected, publicised as a sensation or controversy only”, the Agents highlight.

flaga społeczności trans, różowy jednorożec z chmurką "wypełnij ankietę!"

Support for transgender persons

The concept of forming a support group for transgender persons from Toruń and Bydgoszcz came up after the girls had met a similar group in Poznań. The support group for 12 persons began meeting in the fall of 2018 – a Feminist Fund grant allowed continuation in the first half of 2019, and an increase in the number of meetings from one to two per month.

We want our activities to help transgender persons start believing in themselves and accept their own identity, allow them to meet persons who experience similar challenges and make handling the intolerance of others and their own problems easier,” the Agents say.


Grant amount: PLN 4,400.00