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Fundusz Feministyczny

Mudita Association


Mudita deals with respite and psychological, information, legal, and material support for caregivers of persons with disabilities. These caregivers, most often women, often work 24 hours a day, without leave and without pay: “we notice them, support them, and try to raise their topic in the public debate.” The association organizes, among others, respite tours, support groups, respite volunteering, provides meals and consultations. About 1,000 people a month use Mudita’s help. “We believe that the lack of systemic support for such persons is a violation of human rights: the right to rest, to care for one’s own health, and to paid work”, declared the members of the Association.

Supporting, giving voice to women, weaving social networks – this is their strategy. Mudita works with groups working for women and persons experiencing exclusion and discrimination. Together with the Menstruation Action, it addresses the topic of menstruation of persons with disabilities, supports refugees with disabilities, helps in the search for jobs in the care area for migrants, supports pregnant women diagnosed with severe fetal defects, who are often denied reliable information and psychological assistance by the system.

Dziewczyny ze stowarzyszenia pozują do zdjęcia na tle zieleni

The Empowerment Grant will be allocated to the remuneration of persons dealing with social media, coordination of the office and finances, regional activities, and the team, as well as to accounting and legal services: “Thanks to the grant, we will be able to peacefully develop what we are already doing. We will treat it as a runway that will allow for almost half a year of uninterrupted activity (…)”.


The Empowerment Grants in 2022 were co-financed by the Federal Foreign Office as part of the project “Civil society dialogue – including all voices”, implemented jointly with filia.die fraunestiftung.